Relationship/Couple Counselling
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07495 578506
Coronavirus (Covid19) Our Policies & FAQ's
(This page will be updated and our working practices will reflect the governments advice and BACP best practice). Last updated 18/03/2021
Currently the UK Government advice concerning Covid 19 is:
Coronavirus (COVID‑19) remains a serious threat across the country.
Do not leave your home unless necessary.
1 in 3 people who have the virus have no symptoms, so you could be spreading it without knowing it.
This means ,stay at home as much as possible, work from home if you can, limit contact with other people, keep at least 2 metres distance from others, wear a suitable mask if being close to others is unavoidable, wash your hands regularly and do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.
At this time the government are initiating their "Road map out of Lockdown". This means that during the coming months businesses will slowly be allowed to re-open. We will be adhering to the Governments advice, as laid out in their guidance for "Close Contact Services". As Counsellors we are not only bound by government advice but also the advice of the registered body the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). The BACP currently remind us that " Our advice, which takes account of general advice to the public across all the nations, is that you should continue working remotely with clients wherever possible." They suggest that clients be considered on a case by case basis re risk and suitability for face to face in person sessions.
With this in mind, we will be continuing to offer counselling via online platforms for all our clients unless there are circumstances where online counselling is not appropriate , please click here for more information about online counselling.
For anyone where there are exceptional circumstances, and face to face counselling is possible, please see below for the key policies and procedures we will now have in place:
Risk Assessment - We will be doing a risk assessment with any possible face to face clients to ensure that any appointments meet current Government directives and BACP advice. This will include a short client questionnaire. We have also carried out a Risk Assessment of the therapy studio premises.
Masks - Please bring and wear your own mask. If you are exempt from wearing a mask then please discuss this with your Therapist. Your Therapist will be wearing a face covering.
Lateral Flow Tests - The Milton Therapy Clinic has a good supply of test kits. In accordance with Government guidelines, your Therapist will test themselves twice weekly.
Vaccinations - Both Therapists currently working for M.T.C and from the Therapy studio, have had their 1st vaccinations.
Track and Trace - Our Confidentiality practices are in line with BACP Ethical guidelines. However, if requested by the Government's Track and Trace system, your therapist will need to share your name and contact details in order to support their efforts to keep the nation safe. Your Therapist will not share any information about why you met with them.​
Social Distancing - We will maintain social distancing by seating the therapist and the client at either end of the therapy studio, which is much more than 2 meters in distance.​
Hygiene: handwashing, sanitation facilities and toilets - Clients will be asked to wash their hands before and after their session and they will be positioned so that they can use the bathroom easily without having to come past the therapist. Hand drying will be in the form of paper towels and should be discarded appropriately in the bins provided. We have added a twice daily cleaning of the toilet area.
Additional Hygiene - We will supply hand sanitiser but will ask clients to bring their own drinks and tissues to minimise any risk of virus transmission.​ In addition to our usual cleaning routine, your Therapist will wipe all work surfaces, door handles and switches with anti-bacterial wipes at the end of every client session. And as an extra precaution your therapist will wash their hands and wipe all door handles and client chairs between seeing clients.
Footfall/Usage of Studio - There will be no use of the Therapy studio by anyone other than 2 therapists and a few limited clients for face to face appointments at this time. There will never be more than 1 Therapist in the studio at any given time.
What if I have a cough or cold or fever?
We are asking clients not to come to appointments in person if they suspect they are unwell with symptoms matching that of Covid 19. This does not mean that it is a necessity to cancel the appointment. If you feel well enough to do so, an alternative method can be used, such as an appropriate online platform or a telephone session. Your therapist will discuss options with you. If you have had a positive test result for Covid 19 then you will need to stay in isolation until you’ve recovered and can return to having sessions in person.
What if my therapist (or their family member) has a cough cold or fever?
All their appointments will need to be via an appropriate online platform or by phone. Any unplanned breaks due to illness will be managed in ways to minimise inconveniencing clients.
What if my therapist (or their family member) contracts Coronavirus?
Your therapist or the Milton Therapy Clinic will contact you directly to discuss options with you.
What will happen to my face to face appointments if there is a further peak in Coronavirus cases and the UK is in full lock down again?
Should this happen your therapist will discuss with you alternative methods for the appointments to take place such as telephone or appropriate online platforms.
If you feel anxious about Coronavirus what can I do?
Please visit the NHS website:
Or alternatively the BACP website “Coronovirus Anxiety: “How to cope if you’re feeling anxious about the outbreak”: