Relationship/Couple Counselling
Individual Counselling
Family Counselling
07495 578506

"I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become" Carl Jung
"Getting Lost is a great way to find yourself". Author unknown
Individual Psychotherapy and Hypno-Psychotherapy
Alongside my Masters in Relationship Therapy I have a PgDip in Hypno-Psychotherapy. I provide Individual Psychotherapy and Hypno-Psychotherapy.
Individual Psychotherapy is defined by UKCP (2009) as a process “to help clients gain insight into their difficulties or distress, establish a greater understanding of their motivation, and enable them to find more appropriate ways of coping or bring about changes in their thinking and behaviour. Psychotherapy involves exploring feelings, beliefs, thoughts and relevant events, sometimes from childhood and personal history, in a structured way.
Hypno-psychotherapy is the clinical application of hypnosis to enhance psychotherapeutic interventions. As a Hypno-Psychotherapist I am trained at master’s level to deal with deep psychological issues and psychiatric illness.
The issues we face in life are so varied. I have a wide area of knowledge and experience allowing me to work with most issues. However inline with BACP and UKCP ethical guidelines if I am not competent in the area you seek support with I will tell you at our first discussions and suggest where you can seek appropriate help.
To highlight some issues that I am qualified and experienced in working with below is a summary. Please hold in mind that it is not possible to create an exhaustive list, do contact me with any questions you have.
· anxiety
· depression
· setting boundaries
· assertiveness
· abuse - sexual, childhood, domestic
· loneliness
· suicidal thoughts and impulses
· dilemmas and decision making
· relationship issues
· abortion, miscarriage and fertility problems
· bereavement
· redundancy
· problems at work
· stress
· low confidence
· low self esteem
· family issues
· trauma
· post natal depression